With the Community Services Recovery Fund, United Way Elgin Middlesex is helping the following
26 local organizations launch new projects to help the communities they serve:
Elgin County
- $57,500 was invested to fund the Aylmer Performing Arts Council to hire a project coordinator & consultant, upgrade audio/performance equipment and relaunch a modernized “Kids and Company Theatre.”
- $67,824 was invested to fund Catfish Creek Conservation Authority to upgrade its internet service to enable online booking and payments and digital signage.
- $20,000 was invested to fund Elgin Community Futures Development Corporation to remove physical and technological barriers to make its programs and services accessible and reach all socioeconomic groups.
- $25,623 was invested to fund Vienna Lions Club to purchase modern, comfortable and easy-to clean chairs and tables for its community hub.
Middlesex County
- $158,607 was invested to fund Mnaasged Child and Family Services to provide specialized training to frontline workers in member communities.
- $75,460 was invested to fund Munsee Delaware Nation to create language resources, including story-driven video, to help preserve and revitalize the Lunaape language.
- $60,000 was invested to fund Rock Steady Boxing London to purchase new equipment and increase staffing and operating hours so that it can run more programming for people living with Parkinson’s disease.
- $11,740 was invested to fund Bereaved Families of Ontario Southwest Region to provide no cost, in-person, peer-to-peer programs.
- $97,000 was invested to fund Changing Ways (London) to expand partnerships and services as part of a strategy to address intimate partnership violence by providing more holistic intervention for men and boys.
- $41,456.80 was invested to fund the Chinese Canadian National Council, London Chapter to develop tools and train volunteers to help seniors access its services online, with the goal of maintaining contact with those who have language and mobility barriers.
- $158,401 was invested to fund CMHA Thames Valley Addiction & Mental Health Services to modernize tools and equipment in ways that will help the organization improve access to services for women who are homeless, living in remote areas and facing other barriers.
- $49,740 was invested to fund L’Arche London to hire a recreational respite employee and streamline and enhance programs to support people with decreased mobility.
- $99,998 was invested to fund Leads Employment Services London for a program that partners 25 youth with disabilities with 25 youth with no disabilities to develop leadership skills and teamwork through civic engagement projects.
- $77,796 was invested to fund Humane Society London & Middlesex to strategically redesign its volunteer program after seeing a surge in animals requiring shelter care.
- $140,000 was invested to fund the London Youth Advisory Council to upgrade its digital platforms and launch a mobile app, an online community platform, e-learning courses, and virtual volunteering opportunities.
- $50,000 was invested to fund Mary J Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic to expand activities and reach by extending time and services, offering school-based team meetings and follow-up support for families and increasing support for graduate students.
- $60,000 was invested to fund Meals on Wheels London to use new technology to create more resources and capacity with the goal of being more efficient with volunteer time and reducing transportation costs.
- $36,213 was invested to fund Merrymount Children’s Centre to provide training to 200 childcare, early-learning, and school programs to promote self-regulation techniques and help children cope with stress.
- $15,000 was invested to fund Middlesex Law Association for a “privacy pod” in the courthouse library, where lawyers can ensure confidential virtual client meetings.and trials.
- $91,875 was invested to fund Pathways Employment Help Centre to create a virtual service model to offer remote and virtual interview, skills and job training.
- $99,098 was invested to fund Sanctuary London to create a space to provide meals to those in need and develop a volunteer-training program.
- $87,340 was invested to fund Somali Association of London to provide online tutoring (math/reading) and mental health counselling.
- $99,993 was invested to fund South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre to create a mental health strategy, operational guidelines, and training specifically for serving youth.
- $26,000 was invested to fund The Secrets of Radar Museum to create new interactive displays to enhance school and public programming.
- $98,000 was invested to fund Type Diabeat It for a community kitchen to process locally grown food, prepare meals and food boxes and offer cooking classes to combat diabetes among racialized people.
- $98,098 was invested to fund Urban Roots for a new cold-storage facility to harvest, process, and store orders from its urban non-profit farm.