Gift of Securities
A gift of securities maximizes the impact of your contribution because more money goes to where it is needed the most. United Way has the experience and expertise to ensure your gift will have the greatest impact. A gift of securities can include:
- Shares, bonds, warrants and options, if listed on a prescribed exchange
- Widely held mutual fund shares/units and segregated fund units
- Prescribed debt obligations
While tax incentives are not the only reason to give, they are an important factor to consider. A gift of securities is the most tax-effective way to donate. As of 2006, gifts of securities receive the full tax credit and are not subject to capital gains tax.
Please help us handle and acknowledge your gift appropriately see this attached document. Notification of Gift of Securities Form
If you have any questions please see our Gift of Securities FAQ’s .
To speak with someone about making a gift of securities,
please contact:
Sheila Daniel
Individual Giving Officer
Ph: 519-438-1723
Ext. 243
Our charitable registration number is
11926 0503 RR 0001.
A gift of $20.00 or more will receive
a charitable tax receipt.