Last night we saw United Way supporters, friends, allies and donors come together to celebrate the incredible efforts of this year’s Labour Appreciation Awards winners. The annual January event hails the efforts and generosity of local Labour activists from across our region. It is a celebration of the work they do in building a united community where everyone matters.
This year’s event, entitled Rise Above: A Night of Hope and Solidarity, was delivered virtually again for the second year in a row due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions, but that didn’t stop these activists from sharing their stories of hope. In total, 14 awards were given out to individuals and groups for their efforts, ranging from organizing collection drives to restocking shelves at local agencies to working tirelessly to fill in the staffing gaps caused by illness during the height of the pandemic.
“Last night, we celebrated the good work of local people in our community who put the needs and care of others before themselves. This is an incredible group of people that has shown they put their personal interests aside to ensure those around them are supported.”
Check out our winners.
Guests heard from keynote speaker Candice Dwornick, a United Way Elgin Middlesex 2021 Sponsored Employee from Canada Life. Candice shared her personal story of intimate partner violence and how supports and services from the community gave her the resources she needed to leave her situation and build a good life. Proceeds from the event go towards New Beginnings Loan Fund, a program making a difference in breaking the cycle of familial abuse. Last year, 95 women and children found support for their new beginning through the program.
Virtual guests also heard from musical talent and rising star Aaron Allen. Aaron is a raw singer and songwriter who found his voice with his guitar and donated his time to entertain this year’s award recipients and event attendees.
Miss this years event? Watch as the winners accept their awards below.