“I’ve always believed that the greatest benefit of personal success is the ability to give back to the community.”
A long-time pillar of the London business community, Paul Seed and StarTech.com, the company he co-founded in 1985, have made a place and a name for themselves as part of London’s civic life. A central part of that commitment to the city and its people has been making sure to allow others to share in its success, and no relationship has been more important in that regard than their ongoing support for United Way Elgin Middlesex ― a relationship that stretches back nearly 20 years.
Photo courtesy of StarTech.com
This year, they reached a significant milestone, eclipsing $4.5 million in cumulative donations, with more than $2.5 million of that coming from Seed personally. He has been involved in one way or another with United Way for nearly two decades, including a stint as the Campaign Chair in 2011. On top of that, he has helped organize fundraising events and corporate campaigns between StarTech.com and United Way.
“It’s been a rewarding journey,” Seed says. “By funding dozens of local agencies, United Way is able to support the many needs in our community and ensure that everyone has the same opportunities to live a full life. I wanted to be part of making a difference, and joining the United Way Campaign Committee provided the opportunity to witness the amazing work they do behind the scenes. Knowing that my financial giving was supporting so many different efforts has made me feel that my dollars are going where they are needed most, which is incredibly rewarding.”
It’s a sentiment that he has worked hard to share with his employees, who themselves have contributed more than $2 million over the years. “As part of our annual corporate campaign, I match all donations made by employees ― so their contribution is doubled for twice the impact,” Seed explains.
Determined not to make it a faceless donation, part of how Seed has maintained such enthusiasm is by making the impact of their contributions visible, in the same way they were made visible to him.
“I recall the first time I toured an agency based in the downtown area, over 10 years ago. That tour humbled me ― and opened my eyes,” Seed says. “When I was the Campaign Chair with United Way in 2011, I ensured that all StarTech.com team members were given the same opportunity, so we organized bus tours to allow everyone to visit one of the United Way funded agencies. Our team members really appreciate this life-changing experience.”
It’s a practice the organization has kept up ever since, Seed says ― even during the pandemic when he relied on his experience as a tech entrepreneur to work with the United Way team to develop a virtual tour solution that continues to keep people and community connected.
“Thanks to Paul and his team, our community is a better place,” says Kelly Ziegner, President and CEO, United Way Elgin Middlesex. “We can always count on the StarTech.com team to pull together when our community needs them most. I think Paul says it best when he says that giving back is in our DNA.”
The work, of course, is never over, not for United Way and not for Paul. “Sadly, the need seems to be growing as we hear about more people relying on food banks and increased homelessness,” Seed observes. But rather than view it as an obstacle, he sees it as a challenge to be met. “London has one of the highest urban poverty rates in Ontario, at a level above the national average. United Way’s ability to raise awareness and be an advocate for the most vulnerable in our society is needed now more than ever.”
And on a personal level, it has been nothing if not nourishing. After all, what good is success if it is not shared? “I’ve always believed that the greatest benefit of personal success is the ability to give back to the community,” Seed says. “I would like my support to ensure that everyone, at any age, gender, nationality or financial status, has the opportunity to be the best version of themselves so they can achieve their personal goals and live a healthy, fulfilling life.”
Read more in London Inc.