
United Way LiUNA cheque presentation

Jim, pictured left, at a United Way cheque presentation

Labour Legend: Meet Jim

For Jim MacKinnon, the reasons to support United Way are simple – as simple as 1 + 1 you could say. “It’s two-fold,” he explains, “First, United Way pinpoints where the need is greatest in the community and allocates funds where they’ll help most. Then United Way’s team does all the follow up too, to ensure the outcomes expected are met by the funded organizations.”

As the elected business manager for LiUNA Local 1059, Jim has played a significant role in building an incredibly successful annual golf tournament, an event that’s raised over $1 million for United Way since its first year. But he makes sure to praise the industry partners who support the fundraiser as champions of the tournament, adding that without their donations reaching the million-dollar mark wouldn’t have been possible. “Our partners recognize how important United Way is to us at LiUNA, and they in turn show up big time.”

It’s been more than 20 years since Jim’s initial involvement with United Way as a volunteer building new washroom and shower facilities at a camp for underprivileged kids. That experience shaped his long-time commitment to United Way, and continues to motivate his contributions today. Looking back, Jim says his ongoing support of the organization just makes sense. “I’ve never held the belief that United Way – or any one group – can fix everything, but I do know that United Way makes a big difference locally. Thousands of people have found help through the organization and that makes it well worth my investment.”

“Thousands of people have found help through United Way and that makes it well worth my investment.”

Dakota HalfpennyJim