Zach & Dylan
The mentoring effect
Everyone needs a friend. Someone you can trust and turn to for advice. For Zach, that friend and role model is his Big Brother Dylan who he credits with keeping him “on the right path.” Their time together each week is usually spent having fun playing sports. In between the laughs and friendly banter, they have time to talk and learn from each other; something that Zach really appreciates.
“I think back to the kid I first met; it’s incredible how much he’s grown,” explains Dylan. “Zach is so much more confident now, and able to problem solve better.” Zach agrees and says that these new skills have helped him out at school and in his day to day relationships with friends and family.
As demonstrated by Zach and Dylan, mentoring works and it pays dividends for our community. A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group found that every dollar invested in Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring generates $18 in social return on investment. Recipients of mentoring are likely to make better life choices, earn higher incomes as adults and engage in giving and volunteering. Your investment in proven programs like mentoring, mean that one young person at a time, we are creating a better future for our community.
“Zach is so much more confident now, and able to problem solve better.”