Together, we’re changing the odds
All people are important and deserve a good quality of life. All people have the potential to need help and the potential to help. ‘Success’ and ‘quality of life’ mean different things to different people but we’re driven by the ultimate goal to have our community made up of people enjoying a good life and helping others to achieve the same.
Understanding the need
We believe the root of all action for change is the ability to see and feel ourselves in the situations of others. We believe all people and all communities have the potential to overcome challenge. We treat people with dignity, fairness and equality. We understand and live the correlation between improving the life of one to improve the lives of all.
We support people and give them hope
We change lives. Therefore, we believe we must hold ourselves to the highest of standards. We embrace the responsibility that our donors, volunteers and partners have entrusted to us and we are accountable to them. We are honest and transparent in all that we do. We make decisions based on the needs and expectations of our community and we believe it is imperative to measure and communicate our impact.
United Way community investment
The largest non-government funder of social services in London, Elgin and Middlesex counties United Way creates real, lasting change to improve the quality of life in our communities. United Way identifies and understands the root causes of social issues; brings together research, experts and resources; initiates and invests in the most needed and proven programs; and develops leaders and skills to strengthen the non-profit sector.
See Our Community Investments