Buy a ticket and donate a meal!
This year at 3M Harvest Lunch, we’re paying it forward. You can help 3M and United Way Elgin Middlesex reach their goal of providing 2,000 meals to our neighbours in need when you buy a ticket for 3M Harvest Lunch.
For every $10 ticket sold, a meal will be donated to a person living in our community. Meals will be purchased from locally owned and operated businesses and delivered safely to our neighbours in need through our partner agencies working in the community.
Join us online all week long to see stories about the impact of your support in our community. Each day we will feature a United Way funded partner who is improving lives locally. Follow us on social @unitedwayemca and tune in September 21 – 25 to catch the action.
Meals will be provided at Next Wave Youth Centre in Strathroy, Inn Out of the Cold in St. Thomas, Neighbourhood Association of Westminster Park, Anova and Horton Street Seniors’ Centre in London will receive either delivered meals or gift cards, depending on their need.
The week will wrap-up with a special presentation, hosted by Pure Country’s Dave and Rachel, and featuring local DoGooders Kelly Zigener, CEO & President, United Way Elgin Middlesex, Trevor Squires, United Way 2020 Campaign Chair and Chief ChangeMaker & General Manager, McCormick Canada, and Penny Wise, President of 3M Canada. Speakers will talk about the upcoming United Way 2020 Campaign and the urgent needs our community is facing.
This year, we can’t be together, but we can still buy lunch for a neighbour in need.
Buy a ticket and donate a meal today.
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