United Way distributes another $112,394 to help local people

mom with two kids on tablet

United Way Elgin Middlesex distributed another $112,394 today in its third round of grants to seven locally operating social service agencies serving our community. In total over $379,000 has been distributed in the last month to support the critical work of locally operating community partners.

“Our community is rallying together,” says Kelly Ziegner, President & CEO, United Way Elgin Middlesex. “People have come together and quickly mobilized to support our community’s most vulnerable people. This Coronavirus pandemic has united us and it’s inspiring to see people showing their local love at this time.”

“People are counting on us right now. These social services are imperative for people to make it through this time, and thanks to the incredible support of the community, we are seeing this happen.”

Kelly Ziegner, President & CEO, United Way Elgin Middlesex

In total United Way has released three rounds of grants into the community. Funds up to $20,000 are being dispersed to social services across helping people to meet urgent basic needs, reduce social isolation and receive technology and training so they can move to digital service delivery without a disruption to service.

“People are counting on us right now,” Ziegner continues. “These social services are imperative for people to make it through this time, and thanks to the incredible support of the community, we are seeing this happen.”

To date, United Way Elgin Middlesex has facilitated more than $1 million in COVID-19 recovery efforts through charitable giving, future pledges, and government grants. Visit Local Love in a Global Crisis for details, donation announcements and how to get help or give help.

About our community’s coordinated response to the COVID-19 crisis

United Way Elgin Middlesex is working in close partnership with London Community Foundation, the City of London and the municipalities of Elgin and Middlesex to quickly mobilize funds to meet our community’s most pressing needs during the coronavirus outbreak.

Our coordinated approach is creating a full-spectrum safety net for our community’s most vulnerable: United Way is focused on immediate basic needs, London Community Foundation is supporting longer-term recovery and rebuilding, and municipal partners are creating extra capacity for essential services. Together, we are keeping our community strong.

Round 3 fund recipients:

  • Alzheimer Society of London & Middlesex
  • Boys & Girls Club London / Horton St. Seniors Centre
  • London Abused Women’s Centre
  • LUSO Community Services
  • Mennonite Community Services
  • YMCA Southwestern Ontario
  • Youth Opportunities Unlimited

United Way Elgin Middlesex’s COVID-19 grant summary

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