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211 ensures residents can access and understand information about services available in their community. This telephone and online resource makes it easy for individuals to get to the information they need, when they need it. United Way was instrumental in working with 211 partners to bring this vital service to our community.

  • For service providers, please ensure your information is kept accurate and up to date through

24/7 crisis and support line

Reach Out is a confidential 24/7 information, support and crisis service for people living with mental health or addictions concerns in Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex and London.

Basic needs and other social services

To find a wide range of services visit Information London.
Find services specifically to help you cope during a time of financial hardship in the booklet, Help Yourself Through Hard Times.

Coping with unemployment

The Canadian Labour Congress and United Way of Canada-Centraide Canada developed When The Paycheque Stops, a Handbook for Working Families Affected by Lay-off, Closures and Economic Crisis.

Community and government information,, and provide access to community and government information in the City of London, Middlesex County, City of St Thomas and Elgin County.


Phone: 519.438.1721

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